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Friday, 6 May 2011

Romance in the Hands of God.

Feeling sort of bummed out and poetic today, so this shall be more of a thoughtful post than the usual noisy ones with all the exclamations marks haha. :)

"No man is an island!" was my primary school teacher's response to my journal entry about feeling left out among my friends.

It remained just a fancy phrase to me until I read that this was how God intended things to be, right at the beginning.

The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." - Genesis, 2:18

Then, God went on to create animals and more people. :)

Deep inside we all yearn for attention, for recognition, and for love. That's how we are created to be.

(Of course, God's love is sufficient to fill all emptiness in us, as we are ultimately created to worship. There's a long explanation of how these work out in God's plan but that'll take up a whole other post!)

In my life, I've always been dependent (in varying degrees) on different people, at different times of my life.

When I was young, it was my mother. I remember how terribly sad I felt when the time came for me to walk myself to school, without her holding my hand. I would set out into the dark, barely-breaking dawn with my unreasonably heavy school bag and feel so bad for myself.

A little later, my attention turned to friends. Suddenly, I didn't feel like staying at home all the time anymore. I want to be out with my peers, my confidants who could relate to my every problem.

That lasted till the first taste of betrayal came. Back to family I go! These are the people who would love me to end.

That still remains :), only now there's a new person involved.

He's sort of family, yet not really there yet. He relates with the understanding of a friend and the love of a family. How wonderful the feeling, to have found someone who would hold my hand again, as I brave the darkness of everyday life in this world of weaknesses and temptations.

I bet Adam felt just as great the moment he woke up to see Eve by his side. :)

Who is this special person for you? What have you done to show that he's (or she's) special to you?

It was God who placed him (or her) right there beside you. Have you given thanks for such a lovely gift?

You are loved. Rejoice. :)


P.S. In case you're in the mood for some music, here's a lovely song that makes me cry on such days. A perfect song for weddings.

If you like what you see, please follow me on bloglovin' and google connect via the links on the left sidebar. ;) Thank you for visiting!


yiqin; 6 May 2011 at 02:26  

awesome photos :)

Emanuela 6 May 2011 at 06:20  

beautiful photos, pretty song <3!!!
Following U, love it U you'd like to follow back. Thank U for the comment BTW :)

xo Emma


Emanuela 6 May 2011 at 06:21  

Can't seem to be able to follow U, sorry :(!!! Have an awesome day

xo Emma


Shu. 6 May 2011 at 10:27  

@yiqin: Thank you! :)

@Emma: Oops! I've added the followers widget on the left side bar. :) You've got an awesome blog! I'd love to follow but I can't seem to find the link on your blog too! :O help!

Anonymous,  6 May 2011 at 11:15  

That's wonderful and inspiring! I love it very much!!

Shu. 6 May 2011 at 13:22  

@Mandy: Thank you, I'm glad you do! :)

t.g.s 6 May 2011 at 15:22  

ohh this is so beautiful

Shu. 6 May 2011 at 15:37  

@t.g.s: Thank you! :)

The Clothes Maiden 6 May 2011 at 23:57  

Love those photo's and your blog is so sweet! :) xo

Shu. 7 May 2011 at 02:02  

@Steffen: Aw thank you! :)

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