I've been missing from this space but all for a good reason!
I've been missing from this space but all for a good reason!
It's been an exciting two days, because:
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.---
- Matthew 11:28
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Apart from the usual highlights of Saturday, I also ate an unbelievable amount of food this weekend. *looks sadly at protruding tummy*
One of the most satisfying meals was Domino's! :) Oh wonderful lovely creamy cheese paired with succulent chunks of juicy chicken, button mushrooms and onions. My stomach feels empty everytime I think about it. T.T (If you missed my post on our first visit, here it is!)
The small pizzaria smelled so good, it was quite hard to sit still while waiting for the food. :S We distracted ourselves by taking a truckload of photos:
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My last post (titled Happy Date!) is gone! I've been wanting to reply the sweet comments some of you guys left but blogger has been down since forever ago and now the whole post has gone missing along with the comments. T.T
Blogger guys, bring it back please! It was a lovely date and I would like to remember it well, thank you very much!
Anyone else lost your most recent posts? :(
*Update: Post is back but comments are not! :O
*Update 2: Anyone also having trouble uploading pics? I have a long post on the great weekend comin' up so stay tuned till Blogger is completely healed of the bugs! :)
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It's been a long time since boyfriend and I had time for a day-long date. The last time was... I don't even remember!
Ever since I stepped out of university and into the work life, it was goodbye to the precious fun-from-breakfast-to-dinner dates and hello to just-dinner dates. Now that he is out of university and into the noble (but undeniably sad) life of a teacher (who has to climb out of bed at 5:30am from Mondays to Fridays), it is "noooooooooo it can't be!" to dinner-while-trying-to-stay-awake dates.
Yay for work life.
But seriously, besides this little shortcoming of a full-time career, I am enjoying work much, much more than schooling. I'd gladly write a report than study 24/7 for an exam any day. (All those who scared me with the horror stories of employment while I was approaching graduation, thank you very much for the unnecessary nightmares.)
Anyways, back to our happy date! :) I took a day of leave on this precious day that he doesn't have to work.
He smiled through the hot, hot day. He smiled even when our breakfast became lunch. (Yes I overslept sobs.) He kept smiling even while I shopped all around the mall. (He takes an average of 2 minutes to buy whatever he needs at any store.) He offered his opinion on the dress that I liked. (Never happened before, first time ever!) And he waited patiently at Starbucks with all our stuff while I had to run some last-minute errands.
Besides all the smiling, I recall lots of laughs too. :)
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*The elder sister, that is Sen, not Ling, whom you guys know.
*Matthew is my sister's son aka my nephew.
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I am here to eat my words. My new shoes from Aldo are too high. My swollen right heel is proof. *glum*
For those who missed my post on my problem with heels, here it is.
I must admit I'm very lousy at getting comfy shoes. Why do they always make your feet feel good in the stores?!
Anyone who thinks yourself as a shoe shopping guru, please enlighten me. :(
Anyways, its been a very busy, yet very enjoyable weekend. First off, I must say -
Here's one of my favourite work dresses; A black dress with hot pink trimmings and a lush full skirt - paired with a multi-coloured skinny woven belt. Got it while spreeing in Bangkok last year!
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Feeling sort of bummed out and poetic today, so this shall be more of a thoughtful post than the usual noisy ones with all the exclamations marks haha. :)
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A big, giant, humongantic thank you to Claire of Spinning-threads.blogspot.com for dropping me a mail on my faulty comment box!
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That's a banned question in my relationship, because I used to ask it 20 times a day, to the point that he feels he can't answer it with sincerity anymore.
I felt another bout of PMS-y emotions on the bus ride home. Before he got off the bus, I asked despite the ban, "Would you miss me?"
- Time paused -
- I prayed for an answer that wouldn't make me feel worse -
"I always do."
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Owww ate too much. PMS still going on!
Anyhow, as promised, I shall take some of my lunch time (I know its late sobs. Citi isn't the only company that never sleeps.) to post one of the songs that Ling and I recorded for our parents for Mother's Day. We thought it wouldn't be nice to just sing for mum so we're including our father in this too! :) You can read up a little more on the project here.
We were too concerned about working first during the recording that we didn't care much about photos. Still, I managed to take these:
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It's such a sleepy Tuesday. Even my boss went home early because she almost dozed off on her desk! No such privilege for a mere employee though. Sniffs.
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I've been eating like a pig (cleaning the plate with space for dessert) and feeling ultra sensitive lately. That can only mean one thing - PMS!
I get the worst mood swings when it hits. Ask my boyfriend, he suffered enough to know. Every little thing has the potential to make me sad or/and angry or/and frustrated. He complains about it every 2 days but guys just don't get it that women are victims of the emotional changes as well. :( You try going :( :) :( :) :D :S :( :( :( in just 1 day! It's not fun, I can tell you that much.
This current bout of hormonal change is making me very sensitive about the amount of quality time I have with the above-mentioned guy of my life. Since our last dinner together on Thursday, I've been seeing him in church last evening, group dinner cum supper with many other church mates on last night (first time at Domino's Pizza - it ain't that big in Singapore! - and it was awesome), and group steamboat dinner with (again) many other church mates tonight. In all three occasions, we hung out with different groups and barely had time to actually talk much to each other! :(
On any other day, I would be perfectly fine with it, as I do love hanging out with the church community. But we're talking about PMS here. I was very much craving for some affection!
He left the steamboat dinner while I was in the middle of a game of Bridge, because some of them went for paintball this afternoon and were already half dead by 10pm. My insides sort of shriveled when he announced that he was going home. The conversation with myself went like this:
"I suppose he isn't very bothered by the fact that we haven't spent much time together."
"He must be tired. That's a valid reason!"
"He doesn't care about spending time with me."
"No no he's tired!!"
Back and forth I argued with myself, until he sent a message over while I was on my way home, which said, "Feels like a long time since I talked to my girlfriend properly! Would you be freeee for breakfast tomorrow? :D"
That pretty much ended the argument between me and myself. :)
Thank God that he feels the same way. Thank God that he messaged! :)
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Saturdays are usually busy for me, as my church service, weekly bible study lessons (I teach a group of lovely 16 year olds! :D), weekly cell group meetings (where we meet and share prayer requests and thanksgivings) all fall on the same day!
Most churches have these gatherings on separate days but since a long time ago, my church started lumping it all in one day. No complains, because its really a joy to be among my church mates every Saturday, singing praises to God together and sharing weekly updates.
I finished my lesson planning earlier than usual today (thank God!) so I had time to have lunch with my parents before heading for church! :)
Took some pics in the car as its another cheery sunny day! :)
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